Varmepumper, der kan justeres til et komfortabelt varmeniveau ved hjælp af intelligent software, skal sikre at små og mellemstore virksomheder skubber til den grønne omstilling.
Author: Henrik Madsen
Solution#1: Smart Temperature Control in Gree...
The solution “Smart Temperature Control of Greenhouses” is a tool developed to model and control the district heating supply temperature for industrial bio-organic production facilities. Greenhouses are consuming a vast amounts of energy for the production of bio-organics. For this purpose they also need a very specific temperature to ensure ideal growth conditions for …
Smart Cities Accelerator
Smart Cities Accelerator is a project involving cloud-based solutions, data analytics and the foremost knowhow on integration of energy systems. The project is an inter regional collaboration of actors around Øresund including: Copenhagen, Malmö and Lund University, the municipalities of Copenhagen, Høje-Taastrup and Lund, as well as Høje Taastrup district heating and many more. Further …
Energy supply modelling in cities
The project on energy supply modelling in cities aim to develop, model and evaluate scenarious of cities in order to increase efficiency and integration of systems while at the same time minimizing CO2 emissions and socioeconomic costs. Denmark has established the target of becoming independent of fossil fuels in the electricity and heating sectors by …
Solution#4: Load forecasting for greenhouses
The load forecast solution for greenhouses is an offline model structure built on data from energy consumption and weather observations. The load forecast solution for greenhouses, is build on the collection of data from greenhouse consumers and weather observations to derive an offline model structure for load forecasting in greenhouses. Thus, the solution established an …
Dynamic prices for heat delivered to district...
The project on dynamic prices for heat delivery to district heating systems includes research on cloud-based solutions, the foremost know how of integration of energy systems and market studies. A description of the project is coming soon. In the meantime please read more here
Continuous Time Stochastic Modelling
The project on continuous time stochastic modelling (CTSM) is very useful for grey-box modelling of physical systems using data. The grey-box modelling approach bridges the gap between physical and statistical modelling. The solution is widely used for estimating and identifying models for physical systems, like the heat dynamics of a building, the hydraulics in a …
Thermal models for intelligent heating of bui...
The project to develop thermal models for intelligent heating of buildings through the control of power consumption, includes research into cloud-based solutions, data analytics, smart buildings and integration of energy systems. Further description and insights into the project is coming soon. In the meantime, please read more here
Cloud-based solutions for forecasting
The project solution on cloud-based solutions for forecasting is intertwined with research on data analytics, energy systems integration, markets and smart buildings. Further description and insights into the project is coming soon. In the meantime please read more here
Cloud-based solutions for model predictive co...
The solution software for Model Predictive Control (HPMPC) is a toolbox for High-Performance implementation of solvers for Model Predictive Control (MPC). The tool contains routines for fast solution of MPC and MHE (Moving Horizon Estimation) problems on embedded hardware. Further description and insights into the project is coming soon. The software is available on GitHub.
Latest news
Find all material from the CITIES project
The CITIES project has ended ultimo 2020. Find all the results and the material at
Watch or Rewatch: Webinar on December 8: Acce...
Watch the video at Energy Cluster Denmark’s webinar page: Video: A low-carbon society calls for fundamental changes in the energy system. Today energy systems are operated and planned so that the production follows the demand. However, an efficient implementation of a low-carbon society calls fora system where demand follows production. This highlights the need for …
Material from CITIES Joint conference ‘...
See the program here: Find the presentations:
Monday, November 9, 2020 – ONLINE from 09.00 AM CET Find the material from the day at our research webpage:
Ny webinar-serie: Danmark og USA kan lære af...
DTU har sammen med det nationale danske Innovation Centre Denmark Boston udviklet en række forsknings-webinarer sammen med Ørsted, MIT og Tufts University i Boston samt Energinet og den nye forskningsklynge Energy Cluster Denmark. —- Internationalt samarbejde og deling af viden er forudsætningen, for at verdens lande kan opfylde klima-målsætningerne. Danmark og USA samarbejder meget forskningsmæssigt …
VIDEO: Forecasting for the Green Transition
The last week in October 2020 the International Institute of Forecasters held it’s 40th International Symposium on Forecasting. Henrik Madsen, Project Manager at CITIES and Professor at DTU Compute gave a keynote speech: Forecasting for the Green Transition. His talk is now available on YouTube – click on the play icon below or use the …