About us

 At CITIES Innovation Center we pursue the mission to create a world in which cities are powered by 100% clean and renewable energy.


Our core tasks are

Collecting and processing big data

The total volume of data across the energy sector is enormous and gives us valuable insight about energy consumption and agility of single silos and systems. In CITIES Innovation Center, we collect and process these data for a successful integration of energy systems across traditional division. We therefore rely on the willingness of partners throughout the sector to share their data and work with us towards the common goal of a society powered by 100% renewables. Sharing data of energy consumption, production and storage is in the greater interest of the industry, citizens and society.

Linking energy sources

When energy does no longer come from fossil fuels, linking separate energy systems makes it possible to optimize renewable energies and compensate fluctuation. The total quantity of energy from renewables fully cover the world’s existing and future demand for energy. Our new technologies and solutions are the key to link all energy supply systems successfully together. Our solutions provide entire energy systems with greater flexibility, transparency and better solutions for storage.

 Developing intelligent IT solutions

We link energy systems such as solar power, biomass and wind energy through intelligent IT system solutions. These technologies can handle and process large volumes of big data from both the demand and supply side. A free flow of data is thus a perquisite for being able to analyze, predict and match the energy production to the energy demand. Our intelligent IT solutions, powered by intelligent use of data, makes it possible to switch between energy sources, depending on what is available and appropriate at any given time.

Learn more about our approach

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Ny webinar-serie: Danmark og USA kan lære af...

DTU har sammen med det nationale danske Innovation Centre Denmark Boston udviklet en række forsknings-webinarer sammen med Ørsted, MIT og Tufts University i Boston samt Energinet og den nye forskningsklynge Energy Cluster Denmark. —- Internationalt samarbejde og deling af viden er forudsætningen, for at verdens lande kan opfylde klima-målsætningerne. Danmark og USA samarbejder meget forskningsmæssigt …