The project on energy supply modelling in cities aim to develop, model and evaluate scenarious of cities in order to increase efficiency and integration of systems while at the same time minimizing CO2 emissions and socioeconomic costs.
Denmark has established the target of becoming independent of fossil fuels in the electricity and heating sectors by 2035 and of becoming fully independent of fossil fuels on a net annual basis by 2050. Such targets can only be met with a strong policy making, not only on a national level but also on more local administration levels. Most municipalities in Denmark have established their own vision and targets for making their energy systems more sustainable. Among these is the municipality of Sønderborg
in Southern Denmark, which is used as a case in this solution project.
Further description and insights into the project is coming soon.
The solution “Energy demand modeling in buildings” offers methodologies for the modeling of energy demand and flexibility potentials for whole districts and cities. It includes a tool for bottom-up classification of buildings in a given area into certain types, which can be sum up and modeled by aggregation to ensure higher energy flexibility.
The smart house controller solution includes a cloud-based approach for integration of energy systems powered by the intelligent use of data. The smart house controller is a facilitator, not only of smarter energy consumption in domestic houses, but also for a better integration of different energy source supplies. Further description and insights into the project …