Because of the urbanization and the importance of cities around the world as resource- and power centers, we target cities as the vocal entity to achieve a future with 100% renewable energy systems.
The smart city is where quality of life for residents are maximized using urban informatics and technologies to improve efficiency of services, to meet residents’ needs effectively and in a predictive fashion. We contribute to the future of smart cities with fully integrated energy systems powered by the intelligent use of data.
Our contribution to the smart city is the development of fully integrated energy system flows in urban environments. By using sensors integrated with real-time monitoring systems, data are collected from citizens and devices in the smart city. The intelligent use of data is the keys to tackling inefficiency and increase flexibility.
An integrated energy system in a smart city includes integration of local private and public departments’ information systems, schools, libraries, transportation systems, hospitals, power plants, water supply networks, waste management and other community services. Therefore all the projects within CITIES Innovation Center are conducted in a unique triple-helix partnership model.
Examples of integration in smart cities
Increasing the flexibility of energy demand by using thermal mass in buildings to store thermal energy.
Increasing energy supply flexibility by allowing user and district heating plants to substitute between different energy forms for the provision of a given energy service.
Harnessing the capabilities of the transmission network by storing heat within the district heating network.