100% by 2050

AT CITIES Innovation Center, we envision a world by 2050 in which cities are powered by 100% clean and renewable energy in fully integrated energy systems powered by smart data.

If you are more interested in the research go to CITIES webpage 

Remember to read our report (In Danish): ‘CITIES Task Force Committee on energy taxes and framework conditions. Energiafgifter for fremtiden

100% renewable by 2050 is 100% possible

Modern building with green grass and tree,beautiful cityscape at shanghai.

Today’s energy systems – those infrastructures providing us all with heat, water, electricity and transportation – face a number of critical challenges associated with the rising cost of energy, the effects of climate change, and the resulting threats towards the energy security.

The energy systems of today also predominantly rely on fossil fuels. These sources are detrimental for the climate and soon-to-be exhausted. There is an urgent need for new solutions. The green transition to 100% renewables by 2050 is the only sustainable way to save our planet and secure both safe and affordable energy for industries and citizens worldwide in the future.

Rethinking energy

The transition towards 100% renewables will require a fundamental rethinking and redesign of our existing energy systems and infrastructures. With an increasing incorporation of renewables, comes the challenge of handling fluctuating energy sources such as wind and solar power. These sources are clean, but they are also intermittent, meaning that they are not continuously available due to factors beyond human control. The answer to supply safer and cleaner energy is an integrated energy system powered by smart data. At CITIES Innovation Center, we – the academic experts in integrated energy systems – are joining forces with pioneers in the industry and public sector. Together we pursue the vision to make cities 100% renewable in fully integrated urban energy systems powered by smart data. Join us today for a safer and greener future.

Read more about our vision

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