Who we are


Icons representing forms and sources of fuel and energy. Coal, oil, electricity, nuclear, biofuel, geothermal, solar, wind.

CITIES Innovation Center is a joint initiative by pioneers dedicated to further the green transition towards 100% renewables in Denmark and beyond and across traditional boundaries.


Icons representing forms and sources of fuel and energy. Coal, oil, electricity, nuclear, biofuel, geothermal, solar, wind.

We are actors from the Danish industry, academia and public sector. Our watchwords are integrated energy systems powered by intelligent use of data. Learn more about what we do here.

For the list of partners click here

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Ny webinar-serie: Danmark og USA kan lære af...

DTU har sammen med det nationale danske Innovation Centre Denmark Boston udviklet en række forsknings-webinarer sammen med Ørsted, MIT og Tufts University i Boston samt Energinet og den nye forskningsklynge Energy Cluster Denmark. —- Internationalt samarbejde og deling af viden er forudsætningen, for at verdens lande kan opfylde klima-målsætningerne. Danmark og USA samarbejder meget forskningsmæssigt …