Smart Society

The concept of smart cities has in recent years gained momentum in both science and business. The time has come to take the next step from the smart city towards the smart society.

From smart city to smart society


The smart society is the sum of smart cities and much more. It is one step further towards a 100% renewable future. In the smart society, digital methods and technologies are taking advantage of all the available data, to creation new solutions to known and future challenges in relation to life, work of citizens in all the parts of a country. In the smart society, improvements in the key-services for citizens are the main objectives and the development of the smart society as concept is the mean.

CITIES Innovation Center contributes to create an overview of how far the Danish municipalities have come to inspire more collaboration and progress. At CITIES Innovation Center, we strive to turn Denmark in to the first smart society in the world. Therefore we work with a number of partners from the public and private sector throughout the country. Meet our partners here.

ikon11Challenges to achieve the 100% smart society

For now, a major challenge for achieving a smart society is the financing and the discussion of who should have access to the enormous amount of data which such a society generates. Countries limits and legislation also blocks for development, for example of a ‘smart grid’ in Europe. Therefore we conduct a number of projects related to policy and regulations. We also actively engage in the discussion on whether there must be free access to the data generated in the smart society.

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