Flexible power consumption requires fully automated devices Professor Henrik Madsen from DTU Compute believes that researchers and practitioners under the CITIES-project have broken the code for how electricity companies and other actors can enable flexible consumption. In an interview with ienergi.dk, published in July 2018, Madsen talks about automation, artificial intelligence, software and big data in …
Author: Mikael Kristensen
EP-workshop: Focus on clean energy transition
Accelerating the clean energy transition – workshop, European Parliament, June 27 – 16.00-18.00. Henrik Madsen is keynote speaker at a workshop in the European Parliament (EP) on June 27. Madsen will in his keynote presentation focus on the importance of ICT technologies in the overall energy transition. Buildings account for approximately one third of energy use and …
Intelligent energy systems in buildings
New event coming up: At this event in Vejle, Jutland on June 27, some of the country’s leading experts and companies give us a glimpse into the crystal ball and will tell about their solutions for intelligent management in buildings. Among other things, you can hear keynote speaker Henrik Madsen, who with more than 20 …
Smart Cities and Sustainable Solutions: CITIE...
On Monday 28th, IDA Global Development will focus on the world’s growing metropolitan areas and sustainable development based on water, resource consumption and smart solutions. At the conference, Professor Henrik Madsen from the CITIES project will present a presentation on smart and integrated solutions in smart cities as a key to sustainable development. Through specific …
CITIES participates in the Nordic Clean Energ...
In connection with the Nordic Clean Energy Week, CITIES participates in an exciting policy workshop in Copenhagen. In the UN City of Marmormolen in Copenhagen, CITIES participates with professor Henrik Madsen as chair of a policy workshop under the heading “How to get a 100% renewable energy system? Developing the flexibility we need by integrating …
Latest news
Find all material from the CITIES project
The CITIES project has ended ultimo 2020. Find all the results and the material at https://smart-cities-centre.org/
Watch or Rewatch: Webinar on December 8: Acce...
Watch the video at Energy Cluster Denmark’s webinar page: Video: A low-carbon society calls for fundamental changes in the energy system. Today energy systems are operated and planned so that the production follows the demand. However, an efficient implementation of a low-carbon society calls fora system where demand follows production. This highlights the need for …
Material from CITIES Joint conference ‘...
See the program here: https://lnkd.in/exPUb2X Find the presentations: https://www.flexibleenergydenmark.dk/vil-du-vide-mere/events/green-digitalization-conference-2020/
Monday, November 9, 2020 – ONLINE from 09.00 AM CET Find the material from the day at our research webpage: https://smart-cities-centre.org/2020/11/09/material-from-cities-final-conference-november-9-2020/
Ny webinar-serie: Danmark og USA kan lære af...
DTU har sammen med det nationale danske Innovation Centre Denmark Boston udviklet en række forsknings-webinarer sammen med Ørsted, MIT og Tufts University i Boston samt Energinet og den nye forskningsklynge Energy Cluster Denmark. —- Internationalt samarbejde og deling af viden er forudsætningen, for at verdens lande kan opfylde klima-målsætningerne. Danmark og USA samarbejder meget forskningsmæssigt …
VIDEO: Forecasting for the Green Transition
The last week in October 2020 the International Institute of Forecasters held it’s 40th International Symposium on Forecasting. Henrik Madsen, Project Manager at CITIES and Professor at DTU Compute gave a keynote speech: Forecasting for the Green Transition. His talk is now available on YouTube – click on the play icon below or use the …