EP-workshop: Focus on clean energy transition

Accelerating the clean energy transition – workshop, European Parliament, June 27 – 16.00-18.00.

Henrik Madsen is keynote speaker at a workshop in the European Parliament (EP) on June 27. Madsen will in his keynote presentation focus on the importance of ICT technologies in the overall energy transition.

Buildings account for approximately one third of energy use and greenhouse gas emissions; hence, they are an essential part of Europe’s clean energy transition.

As pointed out in the Commissions’ European Building Initiative the building stock represent a large energy savings potential.

The zero emission strategies in buildings are a necessity and an opportunity for a low carbon, energy efficient and climate resilient society. The successful implementation of these strategies can result in reduction of CO2 emissions in the residential sector by 88% in 2050 compared to the 1990 levels.

Henrik Madsen is director on the CITIES-project and professor at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU).

The event is part of the Energy Days of the Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) and organized by ZEN.

Read more about the ZEN-workshop in the European Parliament:

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Mikael Kristensen   Kommunikationsmedarbejder  at DTU institut for matematik og computer science

Copyright © 2024 | CITIES Innovation Center
Article location: https://www.citiesinnovation.org/focus-on-clean-energy-transition-at-ep-workshop/
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