Intelligent energy systems in buildings

New event coming up:

At this event in Vejle, Jutland on June 27, some of the country’s leading experts and companies give us a glimpse into the crystal ball and will tell about their solutions for intelligent management in buildings.

Among other things, you can hear keynote speaker Henrik Madsen, who with more than 20 years of experience in algorithms and artificial intelligence in the field of energy, is one of the country’s sharpest experts in artificial intelligence and computer science.

The energy-event is arranged by the Innovationsnetværket Smart Energy and the House of Energy.

The event will be held in Vejle at the Green Tech Center A/S.

Download full program and see the keynote-speakers

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Mikael Kristensen   Kommunikationsmedarbejder  at DTU institut for matematik og computer science
Copyright © 2024 | CITIES Innovation Center
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