EnergyPLAN is a model developed to analyse the energy, environmental, and economic impact of various energy strategies.
The key objective is to model a variety of options to compare with one another, rather than model one ‘optimum’ solution based on defined preconditions. Using this methodology, it is possible to illustrate a palette of options for the energy system, rather than one core solution.
Furthermore, the aim of EnergyPLAN is to model the ‘finishing point’ of the energy system rather than the starting point. The focus is on future energy system and how that will operate, rather than on today’s energy system.
EnergyPLAN is a deterministic model which optimizes the operation of a given energy system on the basis of inputs and outputs defined by the user.
EnergyPLAN simulates the operation of national energy systems on an hourly basis, including the electricity, heating, cooling, industry, and transport sectors. This is a cornerstone in designing a future energy system powered by 100% renewables.
Partners in the project involve the Sustainable Energy Planning Research group at Aalborg University in cooperation with PlanEnergi and EMD A/S.
Solution insights
The EnergyPLAN has been continuously developed since 1999 and today, the model is used by researchers, consultancies, and policymakers across the world. The model is disseminated as a freeware and provides a variety of training tools, a forum and existing models available for many countries.
Further information
Find more information visit the website of EnergyPLAN.