New CITIES-related project looks for a soluti...

Although CITIES ends by the end of 2020 after seven years of research, CITIES’ research, findings and thoughts continue through several other projects based on research in CITIES or inspired of CITIES.  A brand new one is Cool-Data; a Grand Solution project supported by Innovation Fund Denmark with DKK 13 million.

Researchers at DTU Compute, DTU Management and DTU Civil Engineering will work with industrial companies to develop a new cooling and storage system for data centres and server rooms, which will be managed through artificial intelligence and reduce energy consumption and thus CO2 emissions.

Dominik Franjo Dominkovic, a postdoc at DTU Compute, is the project manager of Cool-Data. In CITIES he has been working with the technology and methodologies, latest together with one of CITIES partners, EnergyCool, and the electricity and heating company GEV in a demo case in Grindsted in Jutland. See more below

District heating tests climate-friendly air conditioning based on cooled hot water

In ‘Cool-Data’ Dominik, EnergyCool and GEV continue the work with the two other DTU departments, and PURIX, Naviair, and Center Denmark. Learn more at the DTU website


Hanne Kokkegård
Copyright © 2024 | CITIES Innovation Center
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