One of the systemic cornerstones of CITIES Innovation Center is the CITIES Data Management system. The system includes an administration interface, a web-based data processing and algorithm implementations, various analytics results visualization and embed charts in a web page.
An in-depth description of the system is coming soon.
The last week in October 2020 the International Institute of Forecasters held it’s 40th International Symposium on Forecasting. Henrik Madsen, Project Manager at CITIES and Professor at DTU Compute gave a keynote speech: Forecasting for the Green Transition. His talk is now available on YouTube – click on the play icon below or use the …
Watch the video at Energy Cluster Denmark’s webinar page: Video: A low-carbon society calls for fundamental changes in the energy system. Today energy systems are operated and planned so that the production follows the demand. However, an efficient implementation of a low-carbon society calls fora system where demand follows production. This highlights the need for …
Sønderborg Kommune har siden 2007 reduceret CO2-udledningen med 38,3 procent. Ambitionen er at have reduceret udledningen af drivhusgasser med 75 procent i 2025, og at kommunen er CO2-neutral i 2029. Resultatet og visionen trækker overskrifter i nabolandet, hvor Sveriges Radio har været på besøg og talt med tennisklubben (der sparer mange penge ved at holde temperaturen på …