Solution#2: Analysis of Heating Data

The solution for analysis of heating data is an analytical tool for treating and integrating of big data collected from smart meters, socio-economic data, energy informations and building models. This treatment tool enables to quantify and characterize energy consumption of entire districts and cities.

Analysis of heating data is a solution project on integrated energy systems powered by the use of intelligent data. The project aims to treat and integrate a wide range of data collection measures to create a detailed picture of consumption patterns for cities.

This includes estimation and dimension of energy grids and automated building labeling for districts and cities. All this is possible through the collection and intelligent use of data from smart meters in domestic buildings combined with carefully selected measure points. The project is enabled by a team of experts on data analytics working on data which is shared by our partners from the public sector.



Automated building labeling ensure public sector actors and energy suppliers a better overview of consumption patterns. This is crucial for an energy systems powered by 100% renewable energies.


ikon20Solution insights

Traditionally the classification of heating consumption has been based on statistics related to the customer’s energy consumption with an annually reporting. Now, the customers, e.g. houses, apartments and businesses, will provide these data recorded by e-meters. This means that the amount of observations will rise from two single parameters to thousands per year in each household.

The enriched data collection makes it possible to profile consumption for all type of buildings as well as production facilities in a much more detailed fashion. It also allows to investigate the potential for energy flexibility and storage capacities of integrated energy. Intelligent use of data in much more in-depth leads to increasing insight into how the energy system is transition in the best possible way to 100% renewables.

All this is done by intelligent use of data from smart meters at customers’ houses. These smart meters consider socio-demografic and socio-economic data, energy information and enable generation and validation of detailed building models to quantify and characterize energy consumption in single units aggregated up to entire districts and cities. The potential to involve stochastic aspects like consumers behavior and the spatiotemporal variations across all consumer groups has a rich potential to reduce costs and environmental impact on a very large scale.


ikon6Further information

The project of CITIES Research Centre is expected to continue on improving the solution until the end of 2017.

The solution is connected to the Heat Pump Controller solution and solution on Smart Meter Data Analytics.

CITIES Research Center has for the purpose of analyzing heating data, developed a data management system. It includes both a data management and a data analytics system component sized for implementation of wide data collection activities. The data management system has already been implemented on data collection and data cleansing from 54 houses in Sønderborg.  In addition, 10 other data sets are now available or in the process of becoming available, including data from Middelfart, Southern Denmark, Odense and Aarhus.


Alfred Heller   Associate Professor in Civil Engineering, Deputy Center Manager at CITIES Research Project  at DTU Byg

+ 45 45251861
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