Reports: Innovation for sustainable and smart...

The Danish / Swedish EU-supported project Smart Cities Accelerator has recently released all reports, technical papers etc. on a brand new homepage. Smart Cities Accelerator was based on CITIES research and findings and has tested the methodologies.

Please take a look at the many reports about energy efficiency improvements and energy renovations, digitization potential in the district heating network, energy communities, and legislation etc. And learn how to use Open Innovation Calls as a tool to get in contact with small startups with great ideas and solutions for complicated energy problems like power peak shavings.

In the period 2016-2020 four universities (DTU, Copenhagen University, Lund University, Malmö University), five municipalities (Copenhagen, Høje-Taastrup, Malmö, Lund, and Båstad) together with three energy companies (Høje Taastrup Fjernvarme & Kraftringen and E.ON both Sweden) have worked cross-disciplinarily.

The reports are in Danish, Swedish and English.

Nominated for the EU REGIOSTARS Awards

SCA ended in February 2020. The project was supported by the EU’s regional programme – Interreg Øresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak. The programme has been very enthusiastic about SCA. For two years in a row, Anne Marie Damgaard as project manager has been invited by SCA’s Interreg contact to apply for the EU REGIOSTARS Award. This year, she has followed the call and now the project is online and anyone can vote for it.

The REGIOSTARS Awards are an annual awards ceremony for EU-funded projects that show the way to good regional development and innovation. The projects should inspire other regions and project managers. There are five categories – Interreg has placed SCA in the category: Sustainable growth – Circular economy for a green Europe.

A jury will select five projects from each category in July. On July 9, they unveil the finalists, and at the same time, the European Commission’s Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy create a real voting module on web to find the REGIOSTARS 2020 public choice award.

Please, give your likes here and read about the other projects:

The photo is from February 4, 2020, when SCA held a final conference in BLOX in Copenhagen. Photo: Mikal Schlosser
The photo is from February 4, 2020, when SCA held a final conference in BLOX in Copenhagen. Photo: Mikal Schlosser

Hanne Kokkegård
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