Henrik Madsen
Dansk Energi
Position: Project partner
E-mail: fth@danskenergi.dk
Jesper Koch
Dansk Industri
DIN Forsyning
Daniela Guericke
Position: Secretariat
E-mail: dngk@dtu.dk
The CITIES project has ended ultimo 2020. Find all the results and the material at https://smart-cities-centre.org/
Watch the video at Energy Cluster Denmark’s webinar page: Video: A low-carbon society calls for fundamental changes in the energy system. Today energy systems are operated and planned so that the production follows the demand. However, an efficient implementation of a low-carbon society calls fora system where demand follows production. This highlights the need for …
See the program here: https://lnkd.in/exPUb2X Find the presentations: https://www.flexibleenergydenmark.dk/vil-du-vide-mere/events/green-digitalization-conference-2020/
Monday, November 9, 2020 – ONLINE from 09.00 AM CET Find the material from the day at our research webpage: https://smart-cities-centre.org/2020/11/09/material-from-cities-final-conference-november-9-2020/
DTU har sammen med det nationale danske Innovation Centre Denmark Boston udviklet en række forsknings-webinarer sammen med Ørsted, MIT og Tufts University i Boston samt Energinet og den nye forskningsklynge Energy Cluster Denmark. —- Internationalt samarbejde og deling af viden er forudsætningen, for at verdens lande kan opfylde klima-målsætningerne. Danmark og USA samarbejder meget forskningsmæssigt …
The last week in October 2020 the International Institute of Forecasters held it’s 40th International Symposium on Forecasting. Henrik Madsen, Project Manager at CITIES and Professor at DTU Compute gave a keynote speech: Forecasting for the Green Transition. His talk is now available on YouTube – click on the play icon below or use the …