The invitation is on its way. Save the dates!

Due to the COVID-19 situation:

Monday the 9th of November is CITIES final conference at DTU, Lyngby. The conference will be physical with streaming functionality in Zoom, so the IAB members and others can join online.

Tuesday the 10th of November will be an International Day – a partner conference with CITIES, the DiCyPs project (AAU), and the FED.  All three projects will be represented. The day has been changed from DTU to EWII, Kokbjerg 30, 6000 Kolding, Denmark. The meeting will be physical with streaming functionality in Zoom.

We reserve the right to act upon COVID-19 participation restrictions.

If you want to show up physical at DTU or EWII and need to book tickets and/or hotel please note that the meeting could be changed to a virtual meeting at short notice. We recommend that attendees from abroad stay home and join us virtually.


Hanne Kokkegård
Copyright © 2024 | CITIES Innovation Center
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