Documents from: CITIES workshop in Zagreb

At a two-day workshop in Zagreb first in April different industry, academia and governmental partners focused on the importance of data-intelligent operation of integrated power and thermal systems for accelerating the green transition using thermal storage solutions on the proper scales.

Center for IT-Intelligent Energy Systems (CITIES) project at DTU in Denmark was responsible for the workshop.

See the documents from the workshop below for details.


In recent years, there has been a growing interest in using big data to improve district heating and district cooling systems. Sensors are becoming cheaper, and the use of smart meters, which measure hourly heat consumption at every consumer, in the district heating systems became more common. The vast amount of data can be used for constructing better models, resulting in lower operating costs of district heating and district cooling systems. Moreover, cogeneration units, large heat pumps and electric boilers in district energy systems have to bid for electricity on day-ahead markets. The result of this changing framework for district heating and district cooling operation is increased complexity of operating the systems but also an opportunity for economic, CO2 emissions and energy savings in the system.

Furthermore, efficient and successful integration of large-scale variable energy sources like wind and solar energy calls for a rethinking of the design and operation of energy systems and their interaction with other sectors of modern society. Current energy systems where supply is following the demand will change to a system where the demand must follow generation. Consequently, this calls for a switch of focus towards unlocking and describing the energy flexibility at all levels of the energy system. Here, the thermal inertia of district heating/cooling systems will play an important role, as the scale of the system is essential for providing the needed solutions; e.g. solutions for seasonal storage.

Presenter, link and information: 


Hanne Kokkegård
Copyright © 2024 | CITIES Innovation Center
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