CITIES seminar and PhD defense Ignacio Blanco

Ignacio Blanco will defend his PhD thesis on Decision-making Under Uncertainty for the Operation of Integrated Energy Systems. In the morning, the PhD committee members will give talks about their research and work related to integrated energy systems.

We are pleased to invite you to the PhD defense of Ignacio Blanco and a CITIES seminar in relation to his PhD topic.

Ignacio Blanco will defend his PhD thesis on Decision-making Under Uncertainty for the Operation of Integrated Energy Systems. The PhD-study has been carried out as a CITIES Work Package 7 activity (WP7: Decision Making and Support Systems). In the morning, the PhD committee members will give talks about their research and work related to integrated energy systems.

A short summary of the PhD thesis: The integration of renewable and partly unpredictable energy sources has increased the need for flexibility in the power systems. One of the possibilities to provide this flexibility is by integrating different energy systems such as heat and power. The thesis deals with the development and application of solution approaches in the form of optimization problems for energy operators and companies that operate under uncertain conditions in an integrated energy system setting. This is done in three steps: First by developing a new solution approach that are capable of handling large-scale optimization problems with a significant amount of uncertain data providing suitable solutions for the decision-maker while drastically reducing the solution time of the problem.Secondly by proposing decision support solutions for district heating producers to optimize their production and create bids for the day-ahead and balancing electricity markets. And finally by exploring new ways of reducing the impact of uncertainty in fuel supply planning and evaluate new biomass contract designs for large combined heat and power producers using decision-making under uncertainty. All the solution approaches presented in this thesis are used for extensive analyses of the realistic systems used as case studies. These analyses evaluate e.g., how uncertainty affects the obtained solution in terms of operating costs and how the studied systems can react to the uncertainty.

Both the talks by the PhD committee members and the defence will take place on 22nd February 2019 at DTU Lyngby, Building 101, Room S10.

Further information, agendas and the abstract of the thesis can be found in this document. CITIES-seminar-and-PhD-defense-Ignacio-Blanco

Please not that a registration via email to before 20. February is necessary for the seminar in the morning.


Kasper Haagen Skovse
Copyright © 2025 | CITIES Innovation Center
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