570 scientists participated in the SDEWES con...

The 14th conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES) took place in Dubrovnik, Croatia from 01 – 06 October 2019.

Author: Dominik Franjo Dominković

The conference brought together 570 scientists, researchers and industrial experts from 55 countries. As a part of the conference, a special session on Smart Cities and Smart Islands was organized, supported also by the CITIES project (full name of the session: Smart cities vs. smart islands: unique and common points, transferability of solutions and comparison of modelling approaches). The organizers of the special session were Henrik Madsen (DTU Compute), Dominik Franjo Dominković (DTU Compute), Henning Meschede (Kassel University) and Goran Krajačić (University of Zagreb).

During the two days and two time slots, 11 presentations were presented as a part of this special session, as well as a short panel. The topics covered ranged from the machine learning methods for forecasting and temperature optimization in district heating systems with the application on cities and islands, to different energy models used for optimization of energy systems of islands and cities. One presentation dealt with the optimal thermal and electric storage capacities, while two other presentations dealt with the different policy approaches and the transferability of solutions between smart energy cities. The presentations were very applied, with case studies ranging from Croatia, Finland and Denmark to Italy, Canary Islands and the Philippines.  

The CITIES project was represented by Hjörleifur G Bergsteinsson, who held a presentation on Methods for Identifying Critical Temperature for Control of Low-Temperature DH Systems, and Dominik Franjo Dominković, who held a presentation on Detailed spatio-temporal modelling of renewable energy islands.

The sessions gained a lot of interest, and served as a good starting point for discussing future collaborative approaches between the attendants. The papers will be published in special issues of different journals in the coming months. We look forward to initiating new collaborative projects based on the results of the CITIES project.

More information about the conference can be found here: https://www.dubrovnik2019.sdewes.org/, while the more detailed special session description, as well as all the participating authors and presentations, can be found here: https://www.dubrovnik2019.sdewes.org/special.php.


Hanne Kokkegård  

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Article location: https://www.citiesinnovation.org/570-scientists-participated-in-the-sdewes-conference/
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